Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Excuse me?

I drove my parents to Oakland International yesterday, they were flying to Hawaii for their 25th wedding anniversary, and I decided to come the extra 10 miles to spend some time in Berkeley. I’m walking around here less than a day when someone pulls over on Fulton to ask me for directions. The whole time I was at Cal (yes, all five years) I don’t think a week went by when someone didn’t stop me to ask for directions, either on campus or the surrounding streets. I figured this was normal, but an informal survey told me otherwise. I don’t understand this. If you’ve driven with me, you know I have to budget an extra 10-20% of the trip’s expected time to account for getting lost and finding my way again. I’m the worst person to get directions from, why do I get asked so often?

You mean you were in town and you didn't call to hang out or anything!?

Ya bum.
Why didn't you tell me you were in town??
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