Wednesday, December 07, 2005


You'd think so, but you'd be wrong

I had to drive to Modesto yesterday (more on why later, maybe) and the directions I got from Google Maps directed me to turn left on D st then right on 10th. Easy enough. You'd think. As I was driving down Highway 132 on my way to D, I came upon I street, and then H, and then G, F, E. Thinking D must be coming quickly, as any rational person would, I kept my eyes peeled for D, only to find C, B and A were the next in line. Ok, I thought, no big deal, I thought, I'll turn around, go back and find D. A, B, C, E...hmmm, try again. G, F, E,C...this isn't funny anymore. A, B, C...E ::glare that could freeze vodka:: G, F, E, C...%&#$*@&#%@*%$&!!! I repeated this game six or seven more times before deciding to drive on and find out what happens. D was five miles, or 10 minutes given the speed limit, down the road.

After running my first errand I had to go to UPS on E. Orangeburg. Here's were things get complicated. According to Google Maps, to get home from the...The UPS Store I had to continue on E. Orangeburg and make a left on Coffee to get to Briggsmore, knowing this, I knew the...The UPS Store had to be on Orangeburg between McHenry and Coffee. I knew, I knew it couldn't be on the other side of Coffee, otherwise when I wanted to go home, I would have to be traveling the other direction and make a right onto Coffee to get to Briggsmore. Google maps told me so, you'd think they wouldn't be wrong. So I turn off of McHenry onto E. Orangeburg knowing, knowing The UPS Store will be around there somewhere. (Keep in mind I'm driving my parents' GMC Sierra, which isn't the greatest for nimble city driving.) After going up and down every strip mall--and there are lots out here--three times, I decided to break down and ask someone for directions. But everyone I called was in class (even Reva, whose 3 hours ahead), so, hitting rock bottom and starting to drill, I asked a 76 station attendant where the...The UPS Store is. It's another mile and a half past Coffee.

This excursion should have taken me an hour or so tops. Two and a half hours later I made it back home.

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