Saturday, February 11, 2006



I made that blue binder in front of Sec. Bodman (he's testifying before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee in that picture). Its a briefing book that gives him the most up to date information about the programs in the department, what they're doing, what they're spending money on, etc. We referred to that one as "the skinny book", because it was only 120 pages of the most key issues likely to be raised in the hearing, as opposed to the full book we gave him, which was over 400. There are five committee hearings for the DOE budget, that was just the first. He testifies before House Science and Senate Armed Services this week, and we gave him 2 books tailored to each committee on Friday. Three down, two to go.

My boss, who is awesome, can be seen over the Secretary's left shoulder. Well, you can see her hair anyway.

You rock! That's awesome. =) Seriously, super cool.
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